Thursday 5 November 2015


Its Exam Time........
Fear of failure is real. Actually 99 percent of the students will be thinking the same now. There are two solutions for this,
1. External inspiration.
2. Internal motivation.

External inspiration comes from reading about great people. How they have changed the world and how their dreams are different from others. How they had overcome the tough times and how they didn't think about fitting in the society.There are various things to be scared of. But the only fear worth your thoughts should be the one that your might die useless without contributing anything worthy to the world. I suggest that if you have time please read about Nicholas Tesla. Every minute of your life, you should live inspired. The more you know about great people and great work, the more you will get inspired. It is like the start dust rubs on you by spending the time reading about the stars.

Internal motivation comes from believing in yourself and knowing that you have learned a lot and improved over the past few months and at this pace of learning, you could do more in the coming years. Giving a pep talk to yourself every three hours to keep you motivated really helps in overcoming this fear. This is an ancient technique which was followed by great kings. But in their cases, they had other people to give the pep talk. But you should do it yourself now. If you are serious about your success, make it a habit.

Inspired by the words of Ravindra Babu Ravula(A teacher who inspired me..)

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